Transformation Center

Science-based tools and analytics for SDG pathways, policies and financing

Why the SDG Transformation Center

A flagship program of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)

Long-term investment plans and policy pathways are essential for the SDGs. SDSN has recommended six inter-related long-term transformations.

Each of these challenges requires substantial public and private investments extending to mid-century. They require technological transformations and well-defined financing strategies to support the investment plans.

The SDG Transformation Center's Flagship Sustainable Development Report tracks indicators of country-level progress on the six transformations.

  1. Universal quality education and innovation-based economy
  2. Universal health coverage
  3. Zero-carbon energy systems
  4. Sustainable ecosystems, sustainable agriculture, and climate resilience
  5. Sustainable cities
  6. Transformation to universal digital access and services

Our work

SDG Index and Monitoring

Since 2016 we have produced the flagship Sustainable Development Report, including the SDG Index and Dashboards which rank countries on SDG attainment. This annual report, as well as the regional and subnational editions, have become world-leading references for monitoring progress on the SDGs. Discover where your country or region stands!

SDG Financing

The SDGs require long-term investments, but developing countries continue to face deep fiscal constraints. We support international efforts to enhance sustainable development finance through analysis and strategic partnerships.

SDG Policies

Time lags in international statistics often make assessments outdated by 2 or 3 years. At SDSN, we develop tools to track policy commitments and actions, allowing us to offer timely evaluations of government efforts to meet the SDGs.

International Spillovers

One country's actions can have a positive or negative impact on another, affecting its ability to achieve the SDGs. We study and measure these international spillover effects to help countries develop policy solutions to address them.

Geospatial Tools

Leveraging Esri's support, we create new geospatial indicators and analyses to provide timely and granular information for targeted SDG action. Our work supports cities, regions, and national governments in developing territorially explicit SDG policies.

In collaboration with

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Solutions and Partnerships

We collaborate with UN institutions, governments, multilateral development banks, statistical offices, and other stakeholders to provide targeted support through our advanced tools and data.

Sustainable Development Reports

Explore Where Your Country Ranks on Sustainable Development

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